Friday, 14 March 2014

The Fine Line Between Speculation and Conspiracy

It's just been reported that the Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 had been flying for at least four more hours after its radar had disappeared. According to the Wall Street Journal, it is now believed the pilot or perhaps another figure of authority on the plane had diverted it to an undisclosed location after turning off transponders. The journal also reports that investigators were actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted 'with the intention of using it for another purpose'.
Of course, this reporting seems to suggest that the plane was hijacked in a possible act of terrorism. Families and friends called their loved ones and the phones continued to ring, suggesting the phones hadn't been destroyed yet. Earlier this week, it was reported that several passengers of Iranian descent had been flying on fraudulent passports, paying for their one-way ticket in cash - which served to fuel the rumours about the plane being used in a terrorism plot, as the same was done in 9/11. It was later reported that these men were asylum seekers.

Other conspiracy theories claim that the plane was town apart by an explosion, the pilot had attempted suicide or intercepted by UFOs. Some have also suggested it was transported to another world via wormhole.

Yeah, I don't get it either.

There are a number of media outlets, including CNN most notably, who are covering the disappearance for hours on end. Experts are all giving their two cents into what possibly happened. CNN has also received a spike in ratings due to their excessive coverage.

But this got me thinking - we don't know what happened to the plane yet. There is a chance the passengers might be still alive. So what good is all this speculation when the story hasn't really changed for days? I wonder how the passenger's families are taking all this information, when much of it is likely to be false as nothing is really known yet.

I'm not suggesting it shouldn't be reported on - not at all. But until media outlets can grasp onto some cold hard evidence about what really happened - I'm wondering if the excessive reporting on a stagnant story is more of a hindrance than a help.


  1. a very timely conspiracy theory., We may never know what happened to this plane...Amelia Earhart's plane has still never been found after all these years. It sure is a head scratcher for sure....what did happen?

  2. I love this blog! I hope you keep writing it once school is completed. I agree with the media hoopla - but the media continues to feed an insatiable audience. It makes finding the truth a lot more difficult in my opinion - even after 911 I was left wondering what had really happened and feeling like I would never really know.

    I feel for the families on this flight - I hope they are able to find some peace once the investigation has been exhausted - and I hope they are given well researched accurate and true information in the end.

  3. This is a really cool blog concept, Kelly! I agree with you (and Jess) about the media- it is sometimes harder to focus on the truth if they're always reporting on the same angles. I hope it gets solved soon- I can't even imagine what the families of the passengers are going through with all of this.
    Awesome job, Kelly.

  4. I agree with your title, there is such a fine line between speculation and conspiracy. Of course, speculation needs to happen, we can't just ignore the possibilities, but people always get carried away and take it too far. I think the media coverage is a no-win situation for conspiracies as well: the more they cover it, the more people get riled up about the possibilities, but were they not to cover it, people would scream "cover up!" It's a delicate balance, that's for sure!

  5. Kelly, your blog topic is so unique and different, I love it. Media skews everything. Everyone wants to put in their two cents and I feel like we never really know whats real and whats fake anymore.

  6. This has been such strange occurrence; who knows what has actually happened.
    I still can't comprehend how they haven't found it yet if technology today is much more powerful and advanced.
    I really hope the passenger's family can have peace of mind soon.
